Mama is a 2013 Spanish-Canadian horror film co-written and directed by Andres Muschietti, starring Jessica Chastain and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau. The film, produced by J. Miles Dale and Barbara Muschietti, with Guillermo del Toro serving as executive producer, is based on Muschietti's 2008 Spanish-language short film of the same name that captured del Toro's attention. The film deals with the story of two young girls abandoned in a forest cabin, fostered by an unknown entity that they fondly call Mama that eventually follows them to their new suburban home after their uncle retrieves them.
At the onset of the 2008 financial crisis, a distraught man, Jeffrey, kills his business partners and estranged wife before taking his children – 3-year old Victoria and 1-year old Lilly – away from home. Driving dangerously fast on a snowy road, the car slides off and crashes in the woods. Surviving the crash, Jeffrey takes the children into an abandoned cabin. Planning to kill his daughters and commit suicide, he holds a gun to Victoria's head. Just then, a shadowy figure pulls him out of the door, snapping his neck. The girls survive by the fireside and are tossed a cherry by the mysterious figure.